About Us

Hi, I’m Naomi Goegan and I live in Southern California with my husband Chris and our four children. Going through public school taught me one thing: I wanted something better for my kids. I know not everyone has had a bad experience, but times have changed and schools aren’t what they were even five or ten years ago. Our kids deserve better. I’ve heard story after story of parents who are ready for a change, but unsure of where to begin.
Homeschooling is a broad and varied field these days – there isn’t a problem of finding enough information anymore – it’s the opposite: There is too much information to wade through to find a simple path forward. The parent who pulls their kids out of school needs to make important decisions fast on limited time. But it can take weeks, months, even years of time and money to filter through all the options, only to find out they’re still without an excellent solution. Who has the time?!
The homeschooling “market” is unfortunately inundated with well-intended “bright shiny objects” lacking substance and, or, products that look good and smell good, but place unnecessary burdens on parents and children causing tension and strife in the home.
You need the right solution and an easy path to get you there. That’s what we’ve created with Revival of Learning. It’s everything we would have wanted when we were getting started.
I’ve been homeschooling since 2008 and what we’ve learned as a family has changed our lives. I know what it feels like to be frustrated trying to find a better education for your kids. I’ve spent years reading, learning and applying. I may not have all the answers, but I can help you get further down the road and point you to some great resources. It’s my passion to pass on what I’ve been blessed to learn over all these years.
I have organized local groups, meetings, conferences, and other events in the Southern California area to encourage parents in their pursuit of a better education for their children. I have also been a speaker for The Charlotte Mason Institute, Charlotte Mason West, Christian Home Educators Association of California, AmblesideOnline and have served as an AmblesideOnline Auxiliary board member for many years.
When I’m not homeschooling you’ll find me hiking trails with our black lab, taking my kids to surf or snowboard, skiing, photographing nature, curled up with a coffee and a book, or cooking up a feast for friends with my husband and enjoying a glass of wine.